
Migration & What’s Next

The full migration of PrestigeCode has been completed. All of the websites are now centrally located on one server. As of writing this, I do have some leftover database backups that, although are no longer needed, are still relevant to me.

Along with the migration changes, I have increased the capabilities of the instance to accommodate. Antilobby has been growing and is requiring more resources for larger datasets. I will continue looking at this growth and will develop a plan to address memory issues if they become too demanding.

Now that the house cleaning is complete, the next phase of PrestigeCode will begin. I will finally begin making some small projects that I have been wanting to do. These projects will be useful for me and maybe for others. Of course, the entire reason that I forgo these small projects is to continue learning the newest software and latest technologies.

The next few months mark a time in my life where I will see unprecedented growth in my abilities to develop software and I am excited to learn and apply this newfound knowledge to future endeavors.

Thanks for reading my blog and exploring PrestigeCode.

– Sean

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